This weekend, my latest toy purchase arrived from eBay, a fold-up Barbie Dream barn that I found for $8 (including shipping!). I may do a review on it later. The barn is nice enough, and will work well for the purpose I bought it for...but along with it came a doll.
She is not the original doll that came with the set. Her clothes, however, are. To be honest, I might have paid the $8 just for the adorable outfit!
But the doll is adorable, too. "Anya" has bright red lips, green eyes, and sparkles in her hair. I love her face sculpt! She has minor chew marks on her fingers, but it doesn't seem to affect her too badly.
The clothing didn't really fit her look, to me. She seems carefree, the kind of person who puts her troubles firmly behind her, a dreamer. Her new outfit seems to fit her better.
Melody has (somewhat creepily) staked her claim.
"Hi, we're going to be great friends!" |