Thursday, July 14, 2016

The Boiled Dolls Update and More

Update on Celeste and Ariel, the dolls destined for the boiling pot:

Celeste's before and after turned out pretty well. The haircut is still horrible in the back, but maybe I can salvage it further with some careful trimming if I get brave. At least it all sits on her head like hair is supposed to now.

I'm really getting some attitude from her. I think she'll be a fun character to play with and develop. I've always thought of the doll as a character from a story I wrote back in college, so I'm thinking I'll stick with that. With some little alternate-universe twists.

Update on Ariel:

Her hair came out so nice! For an older doll who spent more than her fair share of time in the bathtub, I think she looks great!

I've decided that she won't be a part of the Lightwaves LA photostories, at least not as a main character. As fond as I am of that doll, her eyes are a bit...scary. It's difficult to photograph her at an angle where she doesn't look like she's a zombie out for brains.

And now for the "more"'s the first "cast photo" for Lightwaves LA!
(wow Erin actually photoshopped something!)
These are, of course, just the first six ladies. From left to right, Celeste, Andrea, Jennifer, Carina, Melody, and Barbara. I feel a little silly making up a fancy picture with them all in their random "whatever is in the barbie tub" outfits, but I wanted to dust off Photoshop and play around with fonts.

The idea so far is that these people all live in Los Angeles, and the story is centered around a nightclub called Lightwaves LA. It's going to have a much more adult tone to it than most of the other stuff I've done, and some probably mildly controversial stuff. I feel a muse to create and these dolls seem to be telling me their characters and what they want to do. I need to do it and not worry about what other people will think! Granted, at the time of this post, I have 0 followers to worry about...but I'm a worrier sometimes.

Anyway, the shopping news right now is that due to a seller error, I had to cancel my big M2M order and re-purchase them (more expensively! grrrr). I can't wait for them to get here!

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