Sunday, July 17, 2016

Undressing The Men (and a lady)

Oh no! Doll nudity! Today, I went through the GI Joes and other assorted dolls to sort of take inventory and figure out who/what all I had. I spent most of the afternoon undressing soldiers, doctors, surgeons, and firemen! As many as there were, I was pleased to find that they were all unique and in mostly good shape.

Also, they were not quite as creepy as I had initially thought. Although...

Glowing eyes?
I'm not sure why that guy's eyes look like that, but the second I took off his goggles, I had inspiration. Lightwaves LA may take a decidedly darker, more twisted route than I had anticipated!

There are 17 GI Joes in all (and two very cheap hollow dudes).

This guy is missing an arm and both his feet. He's the worst off, though.
Each one of them has a different face and a different story to tell, I think.

I've started calling this one "Jarod"
It's embarrassing to admit how confused I was by this guy until I realized he's a lifeguard.
I have plans for this one. Oh yes. Look at those wonky eyes!
This one looks bored. Ho, hum.
There were also several lady dolls (only one was GI Joe though, the rest were Barbie or off-brand). They all want to get their hair done before they are presentable! However, this one I thought was very interesting...

I did a little research on her and found out that she is an American Girl Barbie. I don't know enough about them to be able to tell if she is original or repro, however (there were some made in 2010 apparently?) To me, she does not strike me as a repro, she has the "feel" of having been around much more than 6 years. Also, I'm pretty sure that my uncle stopped buying dolls at least 10 years ago. So...could she actually be a real vintage AG? Here's where I wish I had some doll-savvy  followers to help me out a bit. I'd love to restore her, but I don't want to ruin her if she really is old and needs special handling. 

Additional photos:
No markings on the back of her head aside from this.
Her butt mark says 1958. All indented aside from Made in Japan.
Painted fingernails
Legs click fairly well, joints are a bit loose and swingy though.
She's not in mint condition, and to be honest, I'd be just as happy if she is a really cool repro. Either way, I think she's awesome and I'm glad that she's a part of my collection now! I'd just really love to make her pretty again, without damaging her.


  1. FYI, the GI Joe that's missing an arm has a vintage head mold, but I don't know enough about GI Joes to tell you if it's vintage or a reproduction. As for your American Girl, I'm pretty sure that if it's marked on the butt and has no markings on the back of the head it's vintage. I'm fairly certain that the reproduction dolls were marked on the back, not the butt, and that the reproductions had markings on the back of the head. Vintage doll heads are marked on the inside rim, where they're not visible unless you carefully take the head off.
    Signed, Treesa

    1. There are several GI Joes with heads like that one, and I'd be willing to bet that they are vintage. They were all dressed in clothes and gear that looked and felt very different and older than the other GI Joes. Their markings are different (I forget what they said, but I did take note at the time).

      Very interesting information! Thank you! I must admit, it's exciting to think that this little lady could be a small part of Barbie history.
